Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Then there were more (spindles)

Once you have one spindle, they seem to need friends. So I found myself getting a spindle to spin finer threads. I came across this one at Convergence 2008 in Tampa, Florida. Convergence is the semi-annual event put on by the Handweavers Guild of America where there are many classes and many vendors.

It weighs a little under an ounce, and is made by Ashford. The people from Ashford came from New Zealand to vend, and their people were amazingly helpful. A couple of the women spent quite a bit of time with me, helping me to understand how to spin with a spindle. I also took a hour-long class in spindle spinning, taught by one of Ashford's staff.

I then wandered over to Susan's Fiber Shop, where I found this lovely merino and tencel roving. I am having a great time spinning it into fine singles.

Of course, where there were two spindles, there will be more...

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